BRI Welcomes Professional Planner - Sara Kopriva!
In early March, we gained a new planner to our team – Sara Kopriva! Though we are currently working remotely, Sara is based out of our Traverse City office. Sara has a strong planning background as she was a Planning and Zoning Administrator for 16 years for numerous townships in Benzie, Grand Traverse, and Leelanau counties. She was also a member of the Grand Traverse County Planning Commission and Chair of the Green Lake Township Planning Commission. Sara received her Bachelors in Urban and Regional Planning from Michigan State University and her Masters of Public Administration from Central Michigan University.
As part of BRI, Sara will be conducting planning services for various townships and villages throughout Northern Michigan. She will be assisting them and the Planning Commissions with their site plan reviews, zoning ordinance amendments, master plan updates, and zoning ordinances and master plans through Redevelopment Ready Communities (RRC). “I look forward to being able to assist communities with their visions and providing additional assistance to Planning Commissions throughout Northern Michigan with BRI.”
When not planning, Sara enjoys spending her time by the water. “I love the water: looking at it, being on it, or being in it,” Sara stated. She was raised in Interlochen and currently lives in Leelanau County. Her other go-to hobbies include gardening, cooking, reading, and spending time with her boyfriend, Ross.
We are very excited to have Sara join our BRI team and we look forward to having her serve our Northern Michigan Communities!