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The designation of the River Raisin Battlefield National Park (RRBNP) in the City of Monroe gave the community a unique opportunity to reinvent itself as a destination for historic, cultural, recreational and ecological tourism. An assessment of area-wide resources commissioned by the National Park Service for the RRBNP resulted in a “placemaking” concept for greater Monroe community. This concept envisioned the River Raisin as a “History Corridor” linking the RRBNP with Sterling State Park, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Eagle Island Marsh, the nearby Michigan Department of Natural Resources wetlands and wildlife habitat, properties south of the River Raisin including Hellenberg Field, Soldiers and Sailors Park, and historic and cultural resources in downtown Monroe.


Working with the Monroe County Historical Society, the National Park Service, and stakeholders, Beckett & Raeder, Inc. developed a master plan that includes both interpretative and entertainment elements. Proposed improvements, estimated at $90 million dollars, include a renovated visitor’s center, a historic village complete with French Ribbon Farms and vineyards, a chapel for on-site weddings, a Peace Garden, a large amphitheater, and a waterfront complex for entertainment and dining. Together, these create a year-round draw for visitors to the National Park and serve as a gateway to the community, and beyond. 

River Raisin Heritage Corridor –East Master Plan
Monroe, Michigan

2016 Government/Institution Award

Michigan Historic Preservation Network

2013 Merit Award for Landscape Planning & Analysis

Michigan Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects

Click here to view National Park Website

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