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The Summit Street corridor, located in the NorthRiver neighborhood of Toledo, comprises approximately 82 acres of land between I-280, Cherry Street, the Maumee River, and Superior Street. Development within the Summit Street Corridor is typical of older urban waterfronts. It contains a mixture of land uses including warehouses, bulk aggregate facilities, waterborne transportation, railroads, commercial, institutional, and residential land uses. The opening of the Buckeye Basin Greenbelt Connector on the north boundary of the neighborhood and the construction of a new I-280 bridge diminished the importance of light industrial uses along the Summit Street corridor and the Maumee River.


The Corridor has over 2 million square feet of building area distributed among a variety of land uses. Manufacturing accounts for a considerable amount of area and commercial a smaller amount with the balance of occupied building in institutional, office, and residential uses. In addition, there are locally significant structures on national and local historic registers.


The Summit Street Corridor Redevelopment Plan establishes a mixed-use, diverse, neighborhood — heavily influenced with residential development, the long-term removal and relocation of riverfront warehousing uses, and elongation of the existing neighborhood into the corridor and down to the Maumee River.


In order to encourage redevelopment the corridor needs to improve its image and basic infrastructure. Actions to renovate existing commercial buildings is encouraged with the selective development of small scale development projects. As existing warehousing and bulk commodity storage is replaced with residential development and new retail venues are introduced to support existing and planned residents.


In total, 302 residential units, 87,400 square of rehabbed commercial space, and 75,500 square feet of new commercial development were envisioned for this area along with parks and water related recreation uses.

Summit Street Corridor
Development Plan
Toledo, Ohio

2016 Landscape Architectural Sustainability Honor Award

Michigan Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects

2013 Great Lakes Park, Facility, & Recreation Program Award
Great Lakes Park Trailing Institute
2012 Oak Land Award
Oakland County
2011 Landscape Design Award
Michigan Recreation & Park Association
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