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Hickory Woods Park located in Pittsfield Township was a former golf course surrounded by residential neighborhoods. The park is predominantly open rolling terrain with a hickory woodlot on the northern portion of the site. Beckett & Raeder, Inc. along with team member, Cooper Design, Inc., was retained by the Township to develop a park master plan, submit for a Michigan Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant, and prepare design and engineering drawings for the implementation of the Phase I and Phase II improvements.


Public workshops were held during the master plan phase of the project to identify desired park elements and priorities. Improvements include multi-use trails, picnic facilities, a restroom/storage facility, playgrounds, parking lot, informal play fields, bio retention areas, improvements to an existing irrigation pond for storm water management and native plantings for attraction of wildlife.


The park is open to the public for use year-round. It has over 2 miles of trails, both paved and unpaved, winding their way from the park entrance, through woodlots and prairie and around a pond. Trail entrances connect the park to nearby neighborhood, providing a more convenient access point for neighbors to enter and use park facilities. The project was completed in 2012.

Hickory Woods Park
Pittsfield Township, Michigan

2016 Landscape Architectural Sustainability Honor Award

Michigan Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects

2013 Great Lakes Park, Facility, & Recreation Program Award
Great Lakes Park Trailing Institute
2012 Oak Land Award
Oakland County
2011 Landscape Design Award
Michigan Recreation & Park Association
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