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McGregor Memorial Conference Center is widely considered an early “New Formalism” masterpiece work of Minoru Yamasaki. Completed in 1958, the project included a recessed pond and sculpture garden immediately south of the Conference Center building. In 2011, Beckett & Raeder was engaged to assist in renovation of the pond, plaza pavements, and landscape plantings. Extensive research was conducted into Yamasaki’s original design, the actual constructed condition, and several modifications occurring in the 53 years following its completion. The research provided insight into Yamasaki’s original design intent along with previous maintenance challenges. Those insights informed the design process and were used to provide WSU an historically accurate aesthetic with modern, functional, and maintainable underpinnings.


In 2014, the restoration project received the State of Michigan Governor’s Award for Historic Preservation and the National Trust for Hitoric Preservation’s National Preservation Honor Award. The site was designated a National Historic Landmark in 2015.

McGregor Pond Renovation
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan

2016 Landscape Architectural Sustainability Honor Award

Michigan Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects

2013 Great Lakes Park, Facility, & Recreation Program Award
Great Lakes Park Trailing Institute
2012 Oak Land Award
Oakland County
2011 Landscape Design Award
Michigan Recreation & Park Association
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