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Onekama Township and Onekama Village share a beautiful artesian fed lake and serve as the gateway to Benzie, Leelanau and Grand Traverse Counties along the M-22 corridor. They both also have similar environmental concerns, businesses that are interdependent, and seasonal economies which create unique and challenging opportunities best faced collaboratively. Thus, they joined forces to prepare a joint community master plan, made possible due to the Michigan Planning Enabling Act (Act 33 of 2008).


A leadership team was created to represent the broad range of interests in the region and to help to guide the planning and implementation process. Stakeholders included the Village and Township, representatives from the schools, non-profits, local businesses, and residents of the area.


Through this community-driven process, the team developed a community master plan that expressed the needs and desires of the broader Onekama community. The plan provides a framework which the community can use to preserve its natural features, build strong neighborhoods, increase commerce, plan for public services, and guide new development. Guidelines for land use regulations, zoning ordinances, institutional programs, and ways to identify capital improvement projects are also included in this plan.

Onekama Community Master Plan
Onekama Township & Onekama Village, Michigan

2010 Daniel Burnham Award for a Comprehensive Plan

Michigan Association of Planning

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