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In 1993 Beckett & Raeder, Inc. assisted the Village of Dexter Downtown Development Authority to assess, design, and redevelop the downtown area. Since that time a variety of projects have been completed including a new streetscape.

With a 1992 fund balance of $4,000, the Dexter Downtown Development Authority, with the assistance of Beckett & Raeder, Inc., was able to combine a variety of funding tools including, general obligation bonds, special assessment funds, tax increment funds, and state/federal grants to complete in excess of $4,200,000 in construction projects.

Downtown projects included streetscape improvements consisting of improved pedestrian crossings, new sidewalks, creation of pedestrian plazas, parking lot screening, new pedestrian lighting, traffic signalization and landscaping; parking lots; new infill, new farmer's market building, and acquisition of property. In addition to these projects, work was completed on infrastructure upgrades including the replacement of the primary water main and individual services to properties in the downtown. New improvements to the storm sewer system including a new outfall into the Mill Pond were completed. Modifications were also made to the sanitary sewer system.

Dexter Downtown Improvements
Dexter, Michigan

2016 Landscape Architectural Sustainability Honor Award

Michigan Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects

2013 Great Lakes Park, Facility, & Recreation Program Award
Great Lakes Park Trailing Institute
2012 Oak Land Award
Oakland County
2011 Landscape Design Award
Michigan Recreation & Park Association
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